Easy French Recipes: Steak du Luberon

by John

This is one of my favorite easy French recipes I remember from my trip to Provence. Works best with boneless NY strip steaks. Take 1 tbsp sea salt, 1 tbsp mixed peppercorns, 2tbsp dried lavender buds. Grind up (mortar + pestle work well). Coat steak fully on both sides. Be sure all of the steak is covered. Usually I pour the ground mixture on to a cutting board, and then 'dip' the steak on the mixture. Grill. Do not let the steak 'marinate': Put it straight on the grill. Has great, exotic flavor. Feel free to adjust proportions. I call it Steak du Luberon. Every time I make it I'm brought back to the fabulous time I had in France.

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Sep 19, 2010
Very Easy French Recipe
by: Deborah

Tasted really good but next time will use half the peppercorn amount and double the lavender. The pepper overwhelmed the lavender in my opinion.

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