Easy French Recipes: Sauce Vierge

by Gil

Here is one of my favorite easy french recipes for a sauce that is delicious on grilled fish.
I discovered while visiting the French Riviera beaches area a few years back. I went to this terrific little seafood restaurant in Cannes and ordered the grilled John Dory (St Pierre) with Sauce Vierge. The fish was grilled whole, with this incredible sauce that tasted like Provence itself, light but full of strong fresh favors.

Back in the States I wanted to recreate the memory of that trip to the French Riviera by preparing grilled fish with that sauce.
Since John Dory is hard to find in the US, other flaky white fish that you can grill will do: Mahi-Mahi, Red Snaper, Sea Bass, etc.

Recipe for 4:

Marinade the fish for 30 minutes in:
1/4 cup extra virgin Olive Oil
1 crushed garlic glove
1 Table spoon of herbes de provence
2 Table spoons of lemon juice
Salt and Pepper

Sauce Vierge (or Virgin Sauce)
1 cup extra virgin Olive Oil
1 medium ripe tomato, seeded and diced
1 Tablespooon chopped Capers
2 Tablespoon of minced shallots
1 Tablespoon of minced garlic
1 Tablespoon of thinly sliced chives
2 Tablespoons of chopped basil
2 Tablespoons of lemon juice
Salt and Pepper to taste.
Combine in a sauce pan, and heat the sauce for 2-3 minutes at medium heat (this will help to blend the flavors together).

Grill the fish to taste.

Spoon the Sauce Vierge on the fish and enjoy !!!!

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Jan 23, 2011
Easy French Recipes - very easy
by: Pam

Tried it and was delicious. Thanks for the post.

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